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Home Training Compliance and Safety California Public Records Act Requests
The General Counsel's Office coordinates California Public Records Act (CPRA) responses on behalf of the District.

If you receive a verbal or written CPRA request, please forward the request to

About CPRA Requests

  • A CPRA request may be made verbally or in writing.  A public agency may not require that a request be made in writing.  If you receive a verbal request (either in person or over the phone), please write down the specifics of the request to the best of your ability.  
  • The CPRA defines a public record as any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business, prepared, owned, used, or retained by the public agency. "Records" include hard copy documents, electronic documents, voicemail recordings, videos, photos, etc. This includes email and text messages sent on Los Rios email servers and via District devices. This may also include emails, text messages, or other communications sent on personal devices,  or sent via private email accounts (if the communication relates to the conduct of the public's business).  
  • An individual making a CPRA request is not required to identify themselves, and a public agency may not require that an individual identify themselves as a prerequisite to making a CPRA request. The public agency may request that the individual identify themselves, but the individual is not required to.
  • A public agency is required to respond to a CPRA request within ten days.   
  • The General Counsel's Office will review the request, coordinate gathering any responsive documents, and determine whether or not any statutory exemptions apply to the disclosure of the responsive documents.  

Remember, we are public servants doing work on behalf of our communities.  Any documents we create in the course of our work at Los Rios (including email) may be a public document subject to disclosure.  Always remember that our work is public in nature and Los Rios records are subject to the CPRA.  

The Public Records Act