Institutional Research
Where research is intentional, informative, and student-focused.
What We Do
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) provides the district and colleges with information and research to support planning, budgeting, assessment, accreditation, policy formation, and decision-making. We are always looking for ways to support our employees. Let us know how we can help you.
What's New?
Check out the latest reports from the Office of Institutional Research.
Health and Wellness Survey Results
- Published December 2023
- Initial district-level results of the Health and Wellness Survey administered in Fall 2023.
- Read the Fall 2023 Student Health and Wellness Survey Executive Summary or the Fall 2023 Student Health and Wellness Survey Frequency Distribution Report.
Fall 2023 Student Profile
- Published October 2023
- This annual report series based on official fall fourth-week census data provides student demographics. This is important information for successful planning to meet the needs of our diverse students.
Dual Enrollment/Special Admit Power BI Dashboard
- Published August 2023
- See the revised Dual Enrollment/Special Admit dashboard. New features include the ability to select multiple filters; new high school information; a unit load slider; an age slider; and data availability for fall, spring, and academic year. Explore the new features and let us know if you have questions or would like to request a demo for your DE teams.
Fall 2022 Dual Enrollment/Advanced Education Student Profile
- Published May 2023
- Insights into the demographic, socioeconomic status, and outcomes of advanced education students who attend the Los Rios colleges.
Student Services Mode Preference
- Published April 2023
- An additional question has been added to the CCCApplication and the Los Rios supplemental that asks students their Student Services Mode preferences (online, on ground, or hybrid [both online and on ground]). The newest Power BI Dashboards provide student mode preferences based on question preferences. The Student Services Mode preferences can be filtered by race/ethnicity gender, first generation, and age. Data is updated daily.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Withdrawals by Drop Reason
- Published January 2023
- In summer 2021, students were asked to respond to a series of statements as to why they were dropping their class(es). This dashboard provides those responses including the ability to filter by student characteristics and to choose a date range for the drop reason (such as first week before classes, first census date, and so on).
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Fall 2022 Student Campus Climate Survey
- Published December 2022
- During the 2021 academic year, as requested by the Board of Trustees and college and district leadership, we developed and administered a student campus climate survey with a focused lens on equity. Survey recipients provided their level of agreement to a series of statements organized around the following themes: overall experiences; academic success; course experiences; student success support services; and equity, inclusion, diversity, and social justice experiences.
Enrollment by Student Enrollment Attribute Trends
- Published September 2022
- This dashboard provides ten fall terms of enrollment by the student enrollment status attribute (continuing, new, returning, and special admit) with the ability to filter by college, demographics, and unit load. It includes enrollment counts as well as enrollment status as a proportion of total enrollment.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Expanded Race and Ethnicity Categories by Asian Ethnicity Categories
- Updated August 2022
- Provides fall 2021 enrollment, course success, and student persistence by expanded Asian ethnicity categories.
Academic Year Enrollment and Outcomes Data
- Published July 2022
- See enrollment and outcomes data by academic year for the most recent five years. This dashboard provides the ability to filter by student demography by college and districtwide.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Strategic Enrollment Management
- Updated June 2022
- See historical enrollment (updated to include ten years of data through Fall 2021 and the 2021-2022 academic year) across the Los Rios district and colleges, presented for fall and by academic year.
EOPS Power BI Dashboard
- Published May 2022
- The EOPS dashboard provides data on enrollment, student demography, attributes, outcomes, and persistence for EOPS students who have received support services at a Los Rios college.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Fall 2021 CalWORKs Student Profile
- Published April 2022
- Insights into demographic characteristics, educational goals, outcome data, and course taking patterns of CalWORKs students.
Fall 2021 Foster Youth Profile
- Published March 2022
- Explore a profile of Foster Youth students attending Los Rios colleges including demographic, socioeconomic status, and outcomes through Fall 2021.
Fall 2021 Veterans Profile
- Published March 2022
- Explore a profile of Veteran students attending Los Rios colleges including demographic, socioeconomic status, and outcomes through Fall 2021.
Adult Learner Dashboard
- Published February 2022
- This dashboard includes enrollment, outcomes, and persistence of older students (25 and older) attending our colleges. The ability to filter by demography and student attributes is provided. In addition, there are filters for each age category: 25 to 30, 30 to 39, and 40 and over, and you can select one or all by age.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Transfers to CSU and UC – Power BI
- Updated in April 2021 to reflect most recent 2019-2020 CSU and UC transfer data.
- This dashboard provides student transfer data from Los Rios to all California public universities. Full-year transfer data for the most recent five years is provided for all student transfers to California public universities: University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). See both dynamic data tables and transfer visualizations in a student-focused environment.
- See a quick view of the Los Rios student 2019-2020 transfer landscape to California Public Universities.
- Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you sign in using your Los Rios credentials.
Los Rios Research Data
Research Data Systems Guide
Documentation for and about our research infrastructure, including data sources, analysis tools, database and table guides, reporting calendar, and more.
Power BI Dynamic Data
Cross-tabulate data in a flexible, exploratory, and user-friendly environment.
Institutional Research Reports
Read reports published by the Los Rios Office of Institutional Research.
Accreditation Resources
Resources from recent accreditation processes for the four Los Rios colleges.
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Data
The California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) LaunchBoard is a statewide data system supported by CCCCO and hosted by Cal-PASS Plus. The LaunchBoard provides data on progress, success, employment, and earnings outcomes for California community college students.