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The new Power BI Dynamic Data tool provides the Los Rios community access to data in a flexible, exploratory, and user-friendly environment.

We encourage you to "slice" the data by student demography, unit load, and so on to create cross-tabulations to help provide information on the Los Rios student journey. With greater data access comes greater data use responsibility; please double-check your "slicers" before interpreting the data.

Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you to sign in using your Los Rios credentials.

End-of-Semester Data (Most Recent 5 Years)

Fall End-of-Semester Data

Spring End-of-Semester Data

Summer End-of-Semester Data

Enrollment Status Trends

Academic Year Data

Census Data (Most Recent 5 Years)

Fall Census Data

Spring Census Data

Enrollment by Demographic Proportions

Fall End-of-Semester Demographic Proportions

Spring End-of-Semester Demographic Proportions

Summer End-of-Semester Demographic Proportions


In summer 2021, students were asked to respond to a series of statements asking why they were dropping their class(es). This Power BI dashboard provides those responses including the ability to filter by student characteristics. A slider tool provides the ability to choose a date range for the drop reason (such as first week before classes, first census date, and so on).

Withdrawals by Drop Reason

Student Instruction Mode and Student Services Mode Preferences

Questions have been added to the CCCApplication and the Los Rios supplemental form that ask students their Instruction Mode and Student Services Mode preferences (online, on ground, or hybrid [both online and on ground]). The newest Power BI Dashboards provide student mode preferences based on question preferences. The Instruction Mode Power BI also provides subsequent enrollment patterns in addition to the student’s preferences. The information for both Power BI Dashboards can be filtered by race/ethnicity gender, first generation, and age. Data is updated daily.

Student Instruction Mode Preference

Student Services Mode Preference

Daily Persistence Tree

Based on daily enrollment the Daily Persistence Power BI Trees provides district and college term-to-term persistence rates with the ability to select one or multiple characteristics from the Persistence Tree by selecting the + indicator next to the overall Persistence Rate. This data will be refreshed daily at 8:30 am to reflect the most current data available hence the Persistence Rates will change to reflect the daily refresh.

Fall to Spring Daily Persistence Tree

Spring to Fall Daily Persistence Tree

New Expanded Ethnicity Categories

The following provides enrollment, outcome, and persistence data by the new expanded ethnicity categories.

Expanded Ethnicity Categories

Grade Notations (Most Recent 5 Years)

Grade Notations

Math and Quantitative Reasoning Pathways

Math and Quantitative Reasoning Pathways

Awards Data (Degrees and Certificates)

Awards Data

Special Population Profiles

Adult Learners

Advanced Education/Dual Enrollment Students

CalWORKs Students

Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) Students

DSPS Student Survey Results (Fall 2020)

EOPS Students

First-Generation Students

Foster Youth Students

Veteran Students

Return to Campus Survey

Student Return to Campus Survey (Spring 2021)

Remote/Online Learning Survey

Remote/Online Learning Student Survey (Spring 2020)

Enrollment by Zip Code

Enrollment by Zip Code

Transfer Data

Transfers to California Public Universities