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Transfer to CSU and UC

Power BI Visualizations

Use Power BI to view full-year transfer data for the most recent five years for all Los Rios student transfers to University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). The Power BI Transfer Visualizations provide both dynamic data tables and transfer visualizations in a student-focused environment.

See a quick view of the Los Rios student 2019-2020 transfer landscape to California Public Universities.

Transfers to California Public Universities

Note: Power BI Data Visualizations are only accessible if you are connected to the Los Rios network and require you sign in using your Los Rios credentials.

Historical Reports

The following historical reports provide transfer data for the past five years for Los Rios Community College District students who transferred to a California public university: California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC). We will continue to provide historical data tables as we transition to the Power BI environment.

Data are based on information provided by the CSU Analytic Studies Office and the University of California Office of the President "InfoCenter" query page.

In addition, the UC system office has provided information based on application, admission, enrollment data for Los Rios students over a ten-year timeframe. The charts provide a visual overview of the patterns for Los Rios districtwide, as well as key highlights of this data. Unfortunately, equivalent data is not available for CSU transfer information.

Transfer Collective

The following report provides transfer data based on transfers to California public universities as reported by California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC), transfer-ready data, and enrollment counts based on data matches from National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to in-state private, out-of-state public and private colleges, and University of Phoenix. The data presented show clearly that the transfer dynamic across the state of California is no longer linear, but increasingly complex as more Los Rios students gravitate to alternative transfer opportunities.

Transfer Dynamic

The first report continues the historical reporting of Los Rios students who transfer to UC and CSU based on CPEC data.

The second report looks at Fall 2007 transfer-ready students and tracks their progress based on NSC enrollment matches over three years. This is complimented by a survey directed at transfer-ready students who had not yet enrolled in a four-year college or university.

The third report focuses on Los Rios students who enrolled in the University of Phoenix, and included a demographic profile, units completed at Los Rios before enrolling in the University of Phoenix, academic standing at Los Rios prior to enrolling, and how many of these students have received an award from the University of Phoenix.

2010 Survey of Los Transfer-Ready Students

In Fall 2010, students who were identified as transfer-ready but who appeared to have not yet enrolled in a four-year college or university were surveyed to gain a better understanding of the transfer process from the student perspective.

2009 Transfer Study

The following is a comprehensive study of the transfer effectiveness of the Los Rios colleges based on data provided by the California Postsecondary Education Commission as well as an analysis of the most recent cohort data matches available from the National Student Clearinghouse.