General Counsel
The General Counsel's office provides legal services to the Los Rios Community College District by advising employees on matters of legal significance. We are dedicated to serving the district with integrity, knowledge of the law, and reason in support of the valuable and dynamic educational mission of our colleges. Specific areas of responsibility include:
- Drafting policies and regulations
- Reviewing and preparing contracts
- Representing the district in court and administrative hearings
- Providing training and seminars on legal topics
- Advocating for the district before the state and federal governments
- Serving as the liaison with federal, state, and local elected officials
- Coordinating California Public Records Act (CPRA) responses on behalf of the District
Subpoena Service
While the district office is currently conducting business 100% remotely in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we are accepting subpoenas via mail. Please expect delays in processing. Mail the subpoena and a $15 check made out to Los Rios Community College District to:
Los Rios Community College District
C/O General Counsel
1919 Spanos Court
Sacramento, CA 95825
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the State Student Records Act (Education Code, § 76200), and the district's board policy P-2265 and regulation R-2265 make records that refer to students and are maintained by the college confidential unless there is an exception.
- Common exceptions include student consent (signed, dated, and specifying to whom the records may be released), subpoena, or court order.
- FERPA and the State Student Records Act do not require the college to disclose records to anyone other than the student. Students have a right to review their records. Students who request a copy of their records are entitled to receive a copy.
- Los Rios Police Department records, which are not shared with the college, are not subject to these rules.
- All employees of the district and its colleges are considered school officials and may review student records where they have a legitimate educational interest – that is, a need to know.
- Some outside contractors may be considered school officials in certain circumstances, but FERPA protections must be put into place for those contractors.
Our office communicates directly with government officials about important legislation. When we have the opportunity, we also invite them to visit our colleges and see firsthand the important work we are doing.
Our Statement of Legislative Principles provides guidelines for addressing matters before the California Legislature and Congress, and constitutes the core principles guiding the development of the district’s position on legislation.
Legislative Representatives
Find contact information for political representatives covering the district's service area.
All of California's community colleges belong to the Community College League of California, an organization that advocates at the local and national level for the interests of California community colleges and their students.
The documents below may be helpful for those wanting to engage representatives on political issues.
There are strict rules that prohibit Los Rios from using any public resources – including the time of our staff while at work – to advocate for the passage of any ballot measure and/or the election of any candidate. For more information on what is and is not allowable, see The Dos and Don’ts of Political Involvement.
Use the links below to learn more about federal and state legislation.
United States Federal Government
California State Government
- California Governor's Office
- California Senate
- California Assembly
- Pending State Legislation
- California Legislative Analyst's Office
- California Code (includes Education Code)
- California Code of Regulations (includes Title 5)
- California Court Opinions (1850 to present)
- California Legislature and Pending Legislation
Phone: (916) 568-3042
Fax: (916) 561-0574
Jake Knapp
General Counsel
Kaitlyn Sherer
Confidential Administrative Assistant
8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
We are located inside the Office of the Chancellor at the District Office.
1919 Spanos Court
Sacramento, CA 95825