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In September 2023, the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) Board of Governors approved a proposal to change the graduation requirements for associate degrees, which includes an updated general education (GE) pattern. The new 21-unit local GE pattern is based on Cal-GETC, a transfer GE pattern agreed upon by CCCs, CSUs, and UCs as mandated by AB 928 (Berman 2021).

The new local GE pattern adds an Ethnic Studies requirement and splits the current Communication and Analytical Thinking area into two separate areas: Oral Communication and Critical Thinking, and Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning.

Minimum Updated GE Pattern Requirements as Per Title 5

Minimum requirement of seven (7) courses (21 semester units or 28 quarter units).

Area Subject Courses/Units
English Communication, Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking
  1. English Composition
1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
English Communication, Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking
  1. Oral Communication and Critical Thinking
1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
2 Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning 1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
3 Arts and Humanities 1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
4 Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
5 Natural Sciences 1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
6 Ethnic Studies 1 course (minimum 3 semester or 4 quarter units)

The new local GE pattern does not include Living Skills or American Institutions areas, which are in Los Rios' current 21-unit GE pattern. The new 21-unit GE pattern is a minimum requirement and colleges may add additional local requirements if they choose, so the district could decide to add one or more of those requirements to the new GE pattern.

Determining the requirements for an associate degree is a decision faculty must make collectively, at the district level. To this end, we are providing information to all faculty in the district so they can provide informed feedback to their local Academic Senates and the District Academic Senate.

Comparing the Current AA/AS GE Pattern to New Title 5 Requirements

Description of changes from current pattern to new requirements:

  1. Area I becomes area 3
  2. Area IIa becomes area 1A
  3. Area IIb splits into area 1B and area 2
  4. Area IV becomes area 5
  5. Area Vb becomes area 4
  6. New area 61

1 Ethnic Studies (ETHNS) courses only; does not include courses with Multicultural Studies GE designation.

Current Local AA/AS GE Pattern

Total units: 21
Area Description Units
I Humanities 3
Language and Rationality
  1. English Composition
Language and Rationality
  1. Communication and Analytical Thinking
Living Skills
  1. Physical Education2
Living Skills
  1. Life Development Skills2
IV Natural Sciences 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences
  1. American Institutions2
Social and Behavioral Sciences
  1. Social/Behavioral Sciences

2 Not required by Title 5.

Additional graduation requirements:

  1. Math competency
  2. Reading and writing competency
  3. Ethnic/multicultural studies

New Local AA/AS GE Pattern (Title 5 Requirements Only)

Total units: 21
Area Description Units
English Communication, Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking
  1. English Composition
English Communication, Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking
  1. Oral Communication and Critical Thinking
2 Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning 3
3 Arts and Humanities 3
4 Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
5 Natural Sciences 3
6 Ethnic Studies 3


The District Curriculum Coordinating Committee (DCCC) formed a workgroup to analyze how to align our local GE pattern to the required Title 5 requirements, and whether additional local GE requirements are needed for the Los Rios colleges. The DCCC provided the District Academic Senate with a proposal and analysis that could act as a starting point for further faculty discussion across the district, keeping in mind that the benefit of adding local requirements must clearly outweigh the costs of additional units for students.

The DCCC recommends that:

  1. The district allows students working toward an AA or AS degree to choose between using that new local GE pattern or a transfer GE pattern (Cal-GETC, CSU GE Breadth, or IGETC), which would require updating board policy and regulations. See analysis 1.
  2. Each college indicates, in its listing of courses approved for the new local GE pattern, which courses are also approved for Cal-GETC. See analysis 2.
  3. The district adopts the new associate degree GE pattern and collectively selects one of the following four options:
    1. Keep the associate degree at 21 units with no additional GE requirements.
    2. Add a 3-unit Living Skills requirement identical to the current area IIIa and IIIb requirements (see P-7241, section, bringing the GE requirements to 24 units total. See analysis 3.
    3. Add a 3-unit American Institutions requirement identical to the current area Va (see P-7241, section, bringing the GE requirements to 24 units total. See analysis 4.
    4. Add both a 3-unit Living Skills requirement identical to the current area IIIa and IIIb, and a 3-unit American Institutions requirement identical to the current area Va, bringing the GE requirements to 27 units total.


Next Steps

To make progress toward compliance with the new Title 5 requirements, we will be working within the following timeline:

Timeframe Activities
January through February 2024 Information sharing with faculty, discussions, and faculty survey
February through March 2024 Local senate discussions and decision-making
April through May 2024 DAS discussion and decision-making
Summer 2024 Drafting updated policy and regulation language
Summer 2024 Socrates updates
Fall 2024 Chancellor's Cabinet and Board approval
After Board approval GE subcommittee review and approval; information entered into Socrates
After Board approval Program map updates
After Board approval Updates to Degree Audit and other downstream processes

Determining the associate degree requirements is a decision faculty must make at a district level. To this end, you are encouraged to consider each of the options listed above through the lens of what is best for our students.

You will have an opportunity for further discussion and input in the following formats:

  • Local Academic Senate meetings
  • A faculty survey

Discussion Resources